Let's Take Part in the Global Trade Day against TAFTA/TTIP, CETA, TISA on Saturday April 18 2015

On Saturday, April 18 2015, everywhere in France and in the rest of the world will take place the Global Trade Day, against trade agreements such as TTIP/TAFTA, CETA, TISA, ... . April encourages everyone to participate in the events..

TAFTA (Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement/Area) is a trade agreement that is currently being discussed between the European Union and the United States, with the aim to create a transatlantic free-trade zone. This treaty deals with many issues, including copyright and patents. As such, the sacralization of DRMs, or digital locks, as well as the forced legalization of software patents, could be put into law with this agreement. The organizers of the various events have many reasons to oppose such trade agreements. April summed up the issue in its website (in French) where we explain the reasons of its mobilization against TAFTA as well as as against all similar trade agreements.

In 2012, the demonstrations against ACTA helped reject this treaty. April hence echoes the Stop TAFTA collective's call for action and invites everyone to be present and to make our voices heard, and to explain why we oppose those agreements.

For more information on the planned actions, you can check the Stop TAFTA website (in French) for France, or the Global Trade Day website globally.