April has shown a remarkable commitment and sense of pedagogy

April showed over the last years its ability to promote Free Software by setting forth the important issues. Beyond the inevitable differences with other players in the Free Software ecosystem, April has shown a remarkable commitment and sense of pedagogy. This "Grand Jury" prize reflects April's approach in promoting Free Software.

— Denis Lafont-Trevisan

April, thanks to its enthusiasm and professionalism...

Xavier Cazin's photo

Until early this century, Free Software was only known by a small group of network experts or computer enthusiasts, who were the only ones able to enjoy their quality, versatility and low cost. April, thanks to its enthusiasm and professionalism helped extend this by working tirelessly to convince business and political leaders that it is counter-productive to bet solely on the proprietary model. Citizens who benefit today from more reliable, more open and less expensive services, owe a lot to April.

— Xavier Cazin - Director of immatériel.fr ,

April does an excellent job in researching and disseminating on the economics of Free Software

Robert Viseur's photo

April does an excellent job in researching and disseminating on the economics of Free Software. Through practical initiatives such as its work-group "Companies" or its publications (eg the "White Paper on Economic Models of Free Software"), April contributes to the creation, development and success of new activities in a booming economic sector.

— Robert VISEUR Technology Advisor

We need many associations such as April

Yann Moulier Boutang's photo

Why does the association April fully deserve the Lutèce d'Or award that it is receiving tonight? It will be receiving it through its Executive Director and tireless animator Frederic Couchet, that I salute in this message as he could not be here. April, a quite young association, has already played a crucial role in the battle so that new public spaces may be created in urban areas and more generally in all areas where digital cooperation and intelligence have become the driver producing sustainable growth.

— Yann Moulier Boutang_
, Professor in Economic science

April is a major player

Vincent Untz's photo

For many Free Software contributors, the technical side of things prevails on a daily basis on the philosophical aspect. The existence of associations protecting this foundation of our community is therefore so vital, especially through their involvement in promoting Free Software and its values to the whole of our society: general public, government, private partners, etc.. In France, April is a major player in this field, and all the work done in recent years shows that April fulfills its role successfully.

— Vincent Untz
, GNOME contributor (release manager and board member of the GNOME Foundation).

The Free Software defense ethics has a name: April

Sacha Dunas's photo

The defense of Free Software ethics has a name: April. The jury's special prize awarded today by the trade merely confirms and enhances the mission that was set by its members.

— Sacha DUNAS – Founder of "Linux Expo" - Chairman of the Program Solutions linux – President of World Events Agency.

They are passionate people, even warriors of Free Software

Though we may not always agree with April on how to act or apprehend situations, we must be very clear about one point: they are essential as watchdogs for both our collective and our individual liberties in the digital domain. But they are more than that. They are passionate people, even warriors of Free Software, who fight to smarten up decisions that were often unfair or motivated by private interests. They are the necessary catalysts for an often silent mass. They have permitted us all to raise our voices. Thanks and bravo, it's up to us to continue their action.

— Stéphan Ramoin_,
president of Gandi

April plays an important and unique role in France within the public debate on the Internet

Olivier Esper's photo Testimony following April winning the jury's special award at the Lutece d'Or 2008.

Beyond the promotion of Free Software, April plays an important and unique role in France within the public debate on the Internet, especially when it comes to defending its open model.

— Olivier Esper
, in charge of public relations at Google France.

April is the main actor defending and promoting free software in France.

photo de Franz Meyer

April is the main actor defending and promoting free software in France. When there is a need to address political and technological struggles and find ways to defend, develop usage and adoption of free software, April can now put itself to the fore and make its voice heard at significant levels in our economy and market. It is essential to have autonomous and independant actor that brings together view and voice of free software's actors and promoters in France.

— Franz MEYER_
, Red Hat, Senior Director for Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa

RMS - Key player

Testimony during the 10 years of April in 2006. Richard Stallman picture

April is the French key player in launching and promoting Free Software. By highlighting the ethical and political aspects related to Free Software April is destined for awakening consumers that computer freedom is a major value at stake. The association also plays an important role as a sentinel to insure computer users fundamental rights.

— Richard Stallman____
, president of the Free Software Foundation (September 2006).
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