Rally against TAFTA on Thursday, April 10th, 2014
This Thursday, April 10th, 2014, a summit on “The Future of Trans-Atlantic Commerce” is taking place in the lobby of the Shangri-La hotel in Paris. This conference, which gathers European leaders and business lobbies, is a new step in the discussions on drafting a new trans-Atlantic treaty (TAFTA, Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement). The latter seems to take the route that fortunately was abandonned in 2012 with the demise of ACTA, toward ending privacy, expanding software patents1 in Europe, and sacralising DRM2.
A demonstration is organised by the collective Les Engraineurs [fr], with support by La Quadrature du Net, Attac, April, etc., on Thursday April 10th, at 4pm (at the crossing of Avenue d'Iéna and Avenue Albert De Mun in Paris) to reject this agreement. April will be there and invites you to join the demonstration.
A video introducing the demonstration is available on LQDN's website
To learn more about TAFTA, you may refer to the full dossier on LQDN's website.
- 1. To learn more about the dangers arising from software patents in Europe, please refer to April's overview [fr].
- 2. DRM (Digital Rights Management), also known as “Digital Restrictions Management” or “digital handcuffs”, refers to technological restrictions that control how users can access digital media and what they can do with them. For further information, please read April's overview [fr] or visit www.defectivebydesign.org.