April has published an English translation of the Ayrault memorandum on the usage of Free Software in the French administration
In September, 2012 was published a circular, signed by the French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, which presents "Orientations and Recommendations relative to the Use of Free Software in French Administration". This document is the result of an interdepartmental work carried out by the DISIC ("Direction interministérielle des systèmes d'information et de communication", Interdepartmental Direction Directorate of information systems and communication).
Back then, April published a press release "Ayrault Circular: progress for the use of Free Software in the French administration, pending the legislative part". In this press release, Lionel Allorge, president of April, said "We are very pleased about the will expressed in this circular to work together with free software communities and its companies, and to make sure that computer knowledge is better shared within the various ministries". He added "After the Fillon circular about the generalisation of the use of open formats, the Prime Minister's decision is good news for the French administration. We hope that the Ayrault government will also be able to share with the French citizens its willingness regarding free software in order to stop the inequalities they are facing, for example regarding DRM or bundled sales".
April hopes that this circular is a first step towards a more proactive policy that would make the use and development of free software in government a priority.
April publishes today an English translation of the document: "French Prime Minister instructions on the usage of Free Software in the French administration" (html version). The translation is also available in PDF format and in OpenDocument format.
This is an unofficial translation not endorsed by the DISIC but specialists of the dossier haven't found any misinterpretation.