Let's help April carry on and amplify this movement here and within Europe

photo de Bruno Cornec

Although knowing April since its beginning, only recently did I decide to join personally. The Free Software sector is increasingly concerned by the legislative and legal context. This imposes us as a community to structure in order to allow April's permanent employees to devote their time to promoting the unique and historical Free Software movement. Backed by a large number of members, April will be stronger to represent us, users, developers, supporters of the community, especially among political authorities. April will speak on behalf of all of us and will allow for the information society to move to Free Software. Thanks to April's work, France is today acknowledged as the most advanced European nation in Free computer science. Let's help April carry on and amplify this movement here and within Europe, with our financial contribution or volunteer work in its favor.

— Bruno Cornec
, in charge of "EMOA Profession - Open Source and Linux" at HP.